A minimalist mom’s list

So there’s this wonderful thing going around called, “pregnancy”, that makes a woman go crazy and want to buy ALL OF THE THINGS. What’s even worse than that urge is reading all of the suggestions of things your baby “needs”. Listen, people, I am a minimalist (also known as a penny pincher) so I draw a clear line between what someone needs and what someone wants. This list is purely that. It’s a wonderful place to begin when starting your registry or you are pacing the aisles of Target making sure you have everything your little peapod needs. There are very few luxury items on this list because they are things that we could and have lived without (also because I knew the grandparents would buy the extra stuff for holidays and birthdays). If you are feeling overwhelmed and have no idea where to start, start here. And then go read this post. Your baby is going to be one stinking happy camper to just snuggle with you, eat, sleep, defecate, repeat. 🙂

Asterisk = used daily or weekly

Dash = used once or never.

 Baby List Needs/Wants:


-Baby Hats (for the winter/summer) You only need 1 of each.

*Onesies (infinite amounts)


*Sleeping gown/Onesie (7)

-Receiving Blankets (3-6) ( I used one MAYBE once)

*Decorative or Plain Baby Blankets (2-4) (love my Aiden + Anais muslin blankets)

*Baby Laundry Detergent

-Baby mittens (1 pair)

-Jackets/Coats (2 is enough)


*Pack-n-Play (I got a good one because our girl slept in our room for the first 6 months of her life)

*Car Seat

*Stroller (I used this one more when she was little and slept often)

*Umbrella Stroller (this bad boy is Heaven when trying to shop)


*Burp Cloths (4-7)

-Bibs (3-5 I never used/use them)

*Bottles (1-2 for breast feeding mamas that stay at home. Much more if you bottle feed or go to work during the day)

*Milk Storage Bags (300 you can NOT buy enough)

*Breast Pump (since I breastfed exclusively I only used a hand pump the hospital gave me so if you plan to do that don’t waste the money on an expensive electric pump)

*Slip for Boppy Nursing Pillow

*Bottle and Nipple Brush

*Baby Spoons (won’t need for 6 months)

*Baby Bowls (won’t need for 6 months)

*Sippy Cups (won’t need for 6 months)


*Waterproof Mattress for Crib

*3 Fitted Sheets

*Baby Monitor (get a video one, it will help you sleep easier)                                       –


*Infant Tylenol

-Gas Relief Drops


-Teething Rings (freeze your pacifier)

*Infant Sunscreen

*Baby Gates (I just have one)

*Outlet Covers   (won’t need until he/she is mobile)

*Cupboard/Drawer Latches (won’t need until he/she is mobile)

-Toilet Seat Locks


*Baby Lotion

*Baby Shampoo/soap

*Baby Hair Brush

*Baby Fingernail Clippers



*Diaper Rash Ointment

*Changing Pad

*Diaper Pail

*Diaper Pail Linings

-Cloth Diapers and Inserts

*Disposable Diapers


*Diaper Bag (backpacks are what’s up)


*Crib                                                                –


*Stacking Storage Bins


*Closet Age Dividers

*Baby Hangers

*Tummy Time Floor Mat

*wubbanub paci

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