About Me

the fam

Hi friend!

My name is Jenna Valentine.

I wear many hats but the ones I am most proud of are Christ follower, wife to Easton Jones, mother to Lennon and friend to many. I am an introvert by trade so writing has always felt like a refuge. A safe place to open a window and let people take a quick peep at my life. I am honored and humbled that you would take the time to read my words and I hope that on this journey we get to be great friends that encourage one another to dig deeper.

A few things about what this blog is and what it is not:

I keep it real. Like the poet Nicki Minaj once said, “first thing’s first: I’m the realest”. I won’t add fluff to my life where there is none. I think there is something to be said about being vulnerable enough to call a spade a spade and not look back. That’s how I choose to live my life and that’s how I choose to share it with you all.

There won’t be a lot of beautiful, perfectly filtered photos with each post. I’m not that girl. I wish I was but I’m not. I don’t understand lighting and angles and I honestly have no desire to. If you want those you probably won’t be satiated with my writings.

My main purpose in life is to encourage. I love getting to know people on a personal level and get the chance to speak into their lives. Think of this blog in that way. It’s just a friend speaking into your life based off of her own experiences and what the good Lord shares with her.

Grab your favorite fancy coffee or vice of choice and hang onto your hat.